FoxFire Studios presents Sonic the Hedgehog: Blood and Metal Beta--Installment I Sonic the Hedgehog by Sega of America Blood and Metal by David Gonterman Davey Crockett by David Gonterman Ryan Nightweaver by Ryan Huber Kickaha by Edward Becerra Sonia Hedgehog by Emily Smith ______________________ People keep telling me, "Hey David, your BAM kicks @$$. Keep Davey's adventures going!" I was about to continue with 'Haunted Fantasies,' but I've been having troubles with the plot. Edward Becerra wrote to me frequently about some characters he wanted to throw into the Mobius mosh pit along with Davey, Bear, Packbell, Sonic and the gang, Snivley and his gang, and eventually I'll even throw in Robotnik, like meat to the lions. His character ideas helped me continue the Blood and Metal storyline into it's second episode. Ed, this one's for you. Important note: The numbering system got a little confusing to some, including me, so I want to get things strait. The Greek letters will stand for the episode in BAM, starting with the previous seven installments of BAM, which will now be noted as Blood and Metal Alpha. The next episode, called Blood and Metal Beta, begins here. Roman Numerals will be for the 10-page installments, the number of pages being a gauge used to determine a manageable size of the files. Any revisions I made will be denoted by Arabic numbers. If you don't see a 'Revision #' somewhere at the heading, assume Revision 1. _________________________ Zone One, Act One: "Y'now David, I had some friends back home that came from broken families, and they were wondering just who their biological father's are, y'now?" "Let me guess, Ryan. You don't want them to find out any more." "You got it, Davey. Once I saw on prime time cable that your father's none other than Robotnik, I'm terrified of what *they* would find." David Kintobor, better known to all of Mobius as the cyberjock fox Davey Crockett, laughs with his current partner, a fellow former Earth human maned Ryan; who's now a shape-shifting fox. (It is only after an extended vacation and certain 'TLC' from his loving girlfriend, Sonia Hedgehog, that Davey could laugh now at being Robotnik's estranged and rebellious son.) "Can't say that I blame you!" At this point, a series of beeps can be heard from Davey's robot left arm: A signal for him and Ryan to get ready. One last, higher pitched, beep, and they were off. Davey whipped his hoverbike around an onrushing Hoverbot and started to chase with Ryan riding shotgun. Dave let out some enthusiastic hooping and hollering as Ryan sets his finger laser to EMP. Davey whips out his Power Rifle and makes the same setting. "Where we s'possed to hit 'em, dude?" "Oh, just hit 'im anywhere; you'll be close enough." The two foxes spray electromagnetic pulse blasts indiscriminately toward the Hoverbot. Shots that didn't hit the target directly, spreading sparks around the area it made contact, only ricocheted all over the Great Forest not caring what they hit; EMP blasts do not harm living creatures. But one shot buzzed the nose of an attractive girl bobcat, who let out a yelp before imploding into a pocket computer, which ducked into the vest of Princess Sally. ". . . oops . . ." Davey said as he whizzed passed Sally. "Sorry about that, Nicole." "Davey Crockett!" Sally shouted. "Watch where you're aiming that thing! You almost got Nicole! HEY!! Come back here when I'm yelling at you!!!!" Elizabeth, a raccoon girl friend of Sally's, began to telekinetically hover. "So incredibly immature," she said as she began to fly after the hovercycle. "Ooooooh, that psycho. Just like his father. I should've noticed it when he made that Meeko joke with his hat. Of course, if I tell him that, he'd make a cap out of *me*, and his borg girlfriend Suni'll probably join in as well. A couple of nuts, those two. Totally nuts!" "It appears that Snivley took me serious when I said that I'll roboticize him myself if he ever throws crappy quality at me again." Davey shouted as he fires another volley. "This Hover Bot's gonna take forever to shoot down. I gotta haul my brush." Davey set his rifle next to a magnetized holster in his belt and held his left robot arm up. PHOOMPH!!! The Data Spear launches from under Davey's robot arm piercing the outside hull of the Hover Bot. "Get over here!!!" The spear steadily winds back into its lair. "Man, Davey!" Ryan said, "Shades of Scorpion!" The Hover Bot approaches the Hoverbike, never mind that it's the bike being pulled instead of the bot. The bike pulled to the target's side. "Added something new to my 'hog--Command Moorings Board" A panel slid out from both ends of the hoverbike and cables with magnets flew out, attaching to the side of the Hover Bot. Davey stepped up and got to the door in. "Command Lock Open" A panel popped out with a hand on it. "Handprint Identification Requested" Davey hissed though clenched teeth. "You open this door now, or I'll rip you off your casing!!" "Phrack you, Crockett. Acting like your father's not going to get you inside THIS bot. You might think you're hot sh--" Davey ripped the lock off it's casing. "Alright already! Sheesh!!" Davey and Ryan got inside the Hover Bot. Davey approached the Swat drivers with the Power Rifle back in his hand. "Who's in charge?" "I AM" BLAM!!!! "Once again, who's in charge?" "YOU ARE, SIR!" "So right--" BLAM!!!! Ryan followed the noise to find two Swatbots with oil fountains where their heads should be. "Whoa. Crockett wins. Fatality. That was cool. Heh-heh." "Yeah, huh-huh-huh, I like stuff that's cool." That was Ryan and Davey's personal joke; No native Mobian gets Bevis and Butthead. Or Mortal Kombat for that matter. Davey found a computer interface by the driving wheel. He removed the pocket computer from his robot forearm. "Feeling frisky, Julian?" "Plug me in and watch my smoke, son." As Davey plugged in what was left of his Father's good side into the slot, Liz finally caught up to the now-stopped Hover Bot. "Ewwww, Gross. I hope you two are satisfied. You're in a pool of oil!" "Why sure, we are satisfied, Elizabeth." "Yeah, wish you could join us. heh-heh." "Like no, that is totally gross I'm not going in there!" "Fine by me." A big box of printer paper is thrown at her, knocking the raccoon down. "Oooooow, so incredibly immature." A dark purple hedgehog streaks into the spot Liz had a moment ago. "Hey, Luvbird! Got somethin' fo' me, Big Daddy?" "Sure thing, Speed." Another box is thrown. "There's enough blank disks here to last us all year." "Yyyeah, right, sure, whatever." Dulcy was next. Her pouch was roomy enough for most of what was left. Sally came afterward. 'Hurry guys! Snivley could blow this crate up anytime now!" At that instant Julian reported that he's done sucking data form the Hover Bot, and that Snivley has activated the Self- Destruct. "Hurry, Son. It is about to blow!" Ryan leapt out with the last box, turning his arms into wings. "Get outta there, Dave!" Davey picked Julian up and snapped him beck on his left arm. Hopped back on the Hover Bike. Released the moorings. Turned around. Floored it! ----BOOOOOOOOOOOM!---- The Hover Bot exploded in a ball of fire as Davey outran the flames. 'I love this game!!" __________________ A lone coyote--it wasn't known at this point whatever or not he is evolved--caught the sight of Davey as he was about to accelerate into a pack of Swats. Off into the distance, a green- colored falling star can be seen in the sky. The coyote did some number crunching, and discovered that the green-colored falling star will be around this area when it hits terra firma--in 15 seconds!! __________________ "Time to carve up some pork." Davey whips out the Rifle. He and the forward Swat lock eyes. They move in on a collision course at each other. The entire vicinity turns to green as they approach at 250 km/hour and accelerating. "All right, pal, what's on your mind?" The two begin to growl as they sped closer in their game of chicken. 100 meters between Hoverbike and Swatbot . . . 75 meters . . . A bright silver light in a now-all-green sky and be seen . . . 50 meters . . . 25 . . . "RRRRRRAAAAAAAA!" . . . 10 . . . 5 . . . . . . For the briefest of moments, both the Hoverbike and the Swatbot occupied the same space . . . The light can be easily seen as a chaos emerald by now . . . The Swat turned to spare parts as Davey laughed in victory, never noticing the chaos emerald three meters from his head. The automatic force bubble shield kicked on. Davey never got to look at why up ahead. ___________________ "Ouch!" said the Coyote. The explosion can be seen all the way back to Knothole. Energy from the chaos emerald began to spread over a 50 meter radius around the point where it hit, and it was expanding rapidly. Davey's bike was totaled. The only thing salvageable was the control panel, which flew off in one direction, while Davey flew off in another. A silver-green streak of chaos emerald energy speeds along the ground, faster than Davey can sail through the air. As it was overtaking the flying-head-over-heels cyberfox, a sofa chair popped out of nowhere for Davey to safely land into. The sofa chair was followed by the four walls of a tavern that popped up around Davey, topping itself off with a roof. Last to appear was the front door, which showed up just in time for--to Davey's shock--the mangled remains of his bike was about to sail into the tavern and right on top of him. The impact between bike and door rattled a tall mug off a counter, landing under a keg of sassparilla that filled it up before shutting itself off. At this point, Ryan, Speed, Sally and the gang showed up. "David, you in there?" "Are you okay, man?" "Omigosh! An action zone appeared all around him! He must've been beaned by a chaos emerald!" "Damn. Suni ain't gonna like dis. Once she learns dat her luvverboy's got bonked on da head by a fallin' piec'a rock, she's gonna have all'ar heads!" The vibrations caused the mug full of sassparilla to shimmy down the counter and drop into Davey's waiting hand, still resting in the sofa chair. That's how everybody found him. "uh, Hi everybody. . . Drinks on the house?" __________ Zone One, Act Two: "So, Kickaha--that's the name?--how'd you become a Freedom Fighter?" "Early in your father's coup. I happened to be around Mobotropolis when it started, so I became one of the early rebels. I didn't last long though. . . " >Access >Playback Mode Kickaha was stationed in a mortal carrier, bach when the rebels were still using mech. "Hey Obie! Pass the toolbox an' the baseplate over here, Please?" "Sure thing, Kickaha." But Obie took Kickaha's name to heart . . . and *kicked* the toolbox over to him. "Ow!! Hey!!" Then the baseplate. "AAAAAAAAAA" The baseplate landed on top of Kickaha. "uuuuuh. . . my hero . . . pele . . . " > ends >resuming normal play "Lucky me, my back didn't break. It went bad nonetheless. Got weak legs and a bad case of Rheumatism as well, thanks to Mr. World Cup champ! I got a medical discharge and returned to my Wild Pack tribe." "Wild Pack, you say." Davey said as he listened. Scoping the coyote at the infirmary cot next to him. He saw the stuff Kickaha brought with him--a Dream Catcher here, a long pipe there, various symbolic charms and stuff--that reminded Davey of a race of people he calls 'Native Americans.' This 'Wild Pack' must be Mobius' answer to that culture, of so Davey surmised. "How'd you been going all this time?" "Oh, I lived day by day, following the wind, listening to the spirits, Wild Pack stuff. I don't know if you'd be interested. "I could. Your culture reminds me of a silimar culture from my planet. I had a book of their stories that I really loved as a kid." Just then, Sonia, who would never allow any other healer/mage touch her Davey when he needs one, came into the room. "Davey! How ya doing? Speed told me all about that Chaos Emerald that almost nailed ya." Kickaha was a bit outside of the information loop. "What Chaos Emerald?" Davey gave Kickaha a virtual reality rendition through his back-hand viewer of what transpired above this file while Suni checked him out. Except for a slight case of whiplash that she quickly healed, Davey was unharmed. "Wow! All that happened around you and you walked without a scratch?!? Looks like some of our spirits are starting to like you! " Davey was rather pessimistic, as he sometimes gets, which was more often since he learned that he's Robotnik's son. "You ask me, I'd say it's just the worst case of Bad Karma on two planets." Kickaha raised an eyebrow, the one with the scar on it--no doubt by the baseplate. 'What Bad Karma? The Bad Karma you got from your Daddy? I beg to differ, my friend." "As do I." Sally walked in with a stern look at her face. "I'm going to keep repeating this; I ordered all of Knothole to repeat it, until it gets into that thick stubborn head of yours. You are not to answer for the crimes of your father, David Jim Kintobor. Not by us, not by our gods, and not by your own damn guilty conscious. Not if I can help it! I'd bop you on that thick head of yours with a very large hammer to give you amnesia, but Suni would kill me if I did, so I have to shout it into that thick head or yours and let it rattle in what you use for a brain every now and then until it finally sticks! Besides, we've gotta talk about what Julian found. Is he going to be fine, Suni, as least, relatively?" "He's gonna be fine. You don't have to worry about Davey's inner demons. I'll take care of them. You go now, Hon." Kickaha know when to put an argument on pause, he also knew that he was next on Suni's agenda. "We'll continue this later . . ." ___________________ Zone One, Act Three: "We've got bad news, Princess," Julian, Davey's pocket computer and what little was left of Davey's good, noble, father, exiled into silicon before the evil that was Robotnik destroyed it all. "Snivley's built more Roboticizers. One main, three portable." Sally's face was somber. She cussed under her breath. "Figures," Davey said. "We should've expected this when we were busting Roboticizers right and left. Snivley's bound to make replacements. Needs to keep the machine running, at all costs." "Doesn't mean that we can't continue to sabotage their plans, though." "That goes without saying, Princess. Any ideas." "None as of yet, but you and Chuck are working on something, are you guys?" "We are, Sal," said the recently de-roboticized hedgehog, now upgraded from a wheelchair to a cane. Just another week and he'll be walking on his own power; back to the old self before the coup, or even better. "Davey has the ability to reprogram Swatbots to work for him. Seen him do it on the way to Main Roboticizer #2. He can make future Swats work as spies against Snivley. He wouldn't think of his greatest tools being used against him. Besides, someone had to take my place." "Aggreed, and since I operate in cyberspace, I can connect with many Swats at once, getting more information faster, which is always better in my book." "First we need to get some access codes for the Swat override mechanism. That requires another raid on Robotroplis." "Yeah, I need to get a new bike. How's the control board going, Rote?" "Just finished. I threw in some extras from Jonas Silver. All you need is to place it on the hoverbike, and the panel'll install itself into it. I'd love to see it work, but I've gotta tune up the Blue Roboticizer for mass treatments ahead. Wish I had some plans for those main roboticizers." "I'll see if I can scare some up, Rotor." _______________ Sonic and Davey rounded up a party for the raid. Ryan, Sandra, and Sunia said they'll join in. Tails and Amy Rose wanted to be the look-out. Kickaha and Chuck wanted to also, but Chuck's not yet at 100%, and Kickaha said that he'd love to join in as soon as he gets his many ailments treated witht the Blue Roboticizer. "I've heard of this more original design of Chuck's prized machine you've perfected, Dave, and I feel that it'll do me good. Can't wait to be a Borg. Go Borg them one for me!" "Will do, Kickaha." Davey did his trademark greeting-- snapping his fingers on the brim of his coontail cap--as he headed for Robotroplis. As he left, Kickaha turned to his other sholder, and saw a black crow in the window of Davey's hut, which he was staying in. "So, Old Man. Think Davey's got potential?" "I dunno," the crow answered. "You told him about me yet?" "Not yet. He said that he's interested in some stories about you, though." "Good." The crow spreads his wings and takes off. "Let me meet him first, Kickaha. And then, when he's curious, he'll come to you. Let him know then." The crow follows Davey and the others, finaly landing on his sholder. "Hey, Davey," Sonic said. "Looks like you found a new friend." After a bit of looking at who's using his sholder as a perch, Davey finally allowed the crow to stay where he's at, thinking that the bird wanted some fun too. ______________________________ To be continued In Blood and Metal Beta II When I wax poetic I tend to look at computers, bulletin boards, the Internet (especially the Net) and the rest of the Information Superhighway in the same manner that Pocahontas looks at rocks, trees, rivers, wind and what not. Disney's Native American representant believes that they have a life and spirit all their own. I believe that the information world is not far behind in getting one for itself. It might even attain sentience one day, you'll never know. No wonder that someone in one of my art classes says that computers are my religion! It is this modern-day twist on Native American beliefs that I'll be putting into my work sooner or later. It'll probably be sooner, now that I've got Edward here in my 'inner circle,' and he's more into N-A culture than I ever am; I only had a book of their stories, various TV shows that showed N-As in more realistic settings. (Tanto?!? C'mon, give me a break! Give me Chakotay any day!!) and of course, comic books on Poca. Screw the 'bad history' bull$#!*--that movie's Native American Culture 101!! In future BAM stories, either by me or by Ed, we'll delve into this mix of past and future. If there are any actual Native American spirits catching wind of this. I'd lake to welcome yawl aboard as I will any other reader, and I hope you enjoy the story. Better hang on, though, cuz you're in for a wild ride. Them digital winds can be pretty rough at times. Now for the Web Page. By now you'd notice that I've greatly improved on it, spreading across several HTML files and programed in a more friendly menu into it. Just taking advantage of the 10 megs of FTP space every AOL user has, and I have to give it a more presentable look now that I'm rapidly getting respect in my little piece of cyberspace. Still, I'll keep telling people to call it up often, because I will continue to add stuff to it on a weekly basis. The URL is still the same though: Stay Alive and On-Line...David Gonterman FoxFire Studios. Oh, and someone, Dred13 of all people, wondered what FoxFire Studios is. FYI, FoxFire is my own private art studio I keep as a hobby. Nothing fancy, just an AST Advantage 486SX with the works and a clipboard for sketches. Yes, Prin Sal 1, I do scan my line art, then I go in and out of Paint Shop Pro, Windows Paint, and Fractal Paint before putting it to bed as either a GIF or a JPG, whichever works best. The time is late this file is long and I gotta take a shower I'll catch you later bye!!!